Evolutionary Ecologist
Technical Skills & Expertise: R-studio, Modelling, Macroevolution & Macroecology, Phylogenetics, Evolutionary Ecology, Bioacoustics
PhD, Biological Sciences |
The University of New South Wales (2024) |
BSc (Hons) - First Class Honours, Ecology |
The University of New South Wales (2017) |
BEnvMgmt, Ecology |
The University of New South Wales (2016) |
Work Experience
Adjunct Fellow - UNSW Sydney, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre (2024 - current)
- Supervising students in the Mammal Lab at UNSW
- Building and synthesising databases for scientific analysis
- Writing and analysing data to prepare academic papers with multiple stakeholders
Graduate Research Assistant - UWA, Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy (2024 - current)
- Bio-econometric modelling using a Bayesian framework to model the Norfolk Island ecosystem and management costs
- Writing modules and synthesising literature to prepare academic papers
Evolution of Vertebrate Communication

Chemical Communication of Dingo Scents

Teaching at UNSW Sydney
- BIOS1101 - Evolutionary and Functional Biology
- BIOS1301 - Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Science
- BIOS6601 - An Introduction to the Sydney Environment
- MSCI0501 - The Marine Environment
- BEES2041 / BEES5041 - Data Analysis for Life and Earth Science
- SCI1111 / SCIF1131 - Introductory Skills for Science
- SCIF3000 - Science Industry Project Course
- Benjamin J J Walker, Mike Letnic, Martin P Bucknall, Lyn Watson, Neil R Jordan, Male dingo urinary scents code for age class and wild dingoes respond to this information, Chemical Senses, Volume 49, 2024, bjae004, 10.1093/chemse/bjae004